

 LIFE I am going for a Mani and Pedi with my new friend here in Ocala, Ivette. Met her in a very interesting way. Looks like she was looking for someone to take care of her plants while she was away for a few days she calls them her babies. So she asked me that question in a scared way like I know this might sound odd to you but could you come water my plants again she called them her babies. I was like sureeeeeeeee! I mean in my petsitting I do water a lot of peoples greenery. So I went to do a Meet and Greet with her like I do with the pets which by the way she does have a cute dog but she takes him everywhere she goes. So I didn’t think anything about that cause I don’t leave my home cause I can’t bring my pets with me anyways. She goes on to say so look this is what I need and I’m like so simple and btw I love gardening meanwhile she just started gardening and learning. So I ask her but how did you find me like I ask everyone she’s like it took me 25 websites to find you I put like

Right now on the porch with Oliver

  Right now on the porch with Oliver.  POST We are watching what is out here at this moment. I see a cat always poops on my Front porch is that a sign. Uhm it was so funny someone before rang our front Ring bell we both hid did you ever watch this comedian that tells that joke actually it’s funny but I told my daughter we can’t answer the bell cause we have no food cookies to serve. Laugh at Life every day cause Life laughs at you all the time! Your turn!

Back to the online dating

 Back to the Online dating. Well, the emails stopped going back and forth. I think only 2 times emails were exchanged. So, it was a fake person. See on the dating app I noticed the dates when going back and forth were the same day and time and already I thought that was wierd like some pre-post thing I wonder how they did that I’m gonna officially report that to the dating on FB. Like I said before he used the words “fairytales can be real” so this fairytale wasn’t. See, when I wrote him all my words weren’t made up and found in a word bank my words were real he must of caught on and noticed I was maybe a little smart. You should watch this great movie on Netflix called “The Tinder Swindler” this was something like it. Thing is the person caught on. Why are men out there doing this to women?  It’s cause they can and they are being allowed to do so. Ladies watch your step. I’m not gonna start going on too much as how mad I could have gotten if I let something like this happen. Getting m

certified Petsitter

 I say if you are gonna do something like being a Petsitter either you do it right or don’t do it at all. I remember telling my groomer in Miami about starting a business of petsitting and she’s like get certified by Pet Sitters International and so I did, best thing ever. Then I started with doing a website thinking of the business name and btw my name is Ana but used Ani to make it rhyme. Well, it used to be Ani The Petsitting Nanny and just recently changed it to Ani The Pet Nanny. I love things that rhyme, you remember the name better I think. So now everyone and their mother literally (Rose knows that’s true) call me Ani which I loveeeee they call me Ani.  Well, getting the business started wasn’t that difficult cause I am in the animal rescue world and every client I have was “word of mouth” and that’s the best!  I now live in Ocala. Now it got difficult getting new clients this last year I spent spending weeks down in Miami petsitting.  Just recently I decided I couldn’t do it a


 Rescue. The feeling of Rescue is so rewarding. Imagine in this matter you can change an animals life just cause you were there and were put there in the right place at the right time specifically for a specific animal and make them feel what is is to save them and change their life. They deserve that much! Gods creatures are one of our gifts from God. I’m getting a bit religious so if it’s not for you, you can wait till I write my next Journal for the day, I understand. The main topic tho here is Rescue and it’s rescuing animals.  How did I start with animal rescue, well I have to say because of my daughter Jenny. It’s now been over 10 years and don’t regret one day of it. It’s very difficult, challenging, you want to give up at a point, it’s so many things. I go by a my own theory, if you are going to do something, either you do it right or don’t do it at all. That’s what I do with my petsitting business which I will journal another time and Rescue is what brought me to my business t

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter, Happy Mothers Day, Happy Father’s Day, Happy 4th of July, Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Christmas, Happy New Years and Valentines Day.  Why do we choose a particular day to choose to be happy? Why can’t we choose our own days, and that should be every day.  Happy Day is what every day should be. Why can’t we celebrate Holidays any time of the year?! What defines being Happy? What does the ingredients of Love consist of? Well, the first ingredient should be LOVE.  Love is so meaningful and I think you learn how to Love and the feeling of Love as time goes on.  Imagine if we were born with the meaning of Love. The feeling of Love is so intense. That’s what I personally think at least. Some people think Love is gained. Uhmm, how can Love be gained? Either you Love or you don’t. It’s like saying, “I love that flower.” Well, how does that flower gain that Love, well maybe by it’s color, the type of flower it is etc. Thing is Love is Love. Love has no meaning it’s

The Fun and Interesting Journey in finding Mr. Right

  The Fun and interesting journey, I have been through so many journeys which I call them adventures. Who is Mr. Right? What defines Mr. Right?!  Well, it could be a number of things that balance out to make your Mr. Right. Uhmm, maybe you ask and my definition of Mr. Right? Maybe my answer to you can be that everything can be wrong with my Mr. Right. There is no perfect man that’s for sure. I personally think if there was my Mr. Right it would scare me a bit. You start thinking how can all my Mr. Rights’ be right?  It’s like saying if we have a perfect life wouldn’t we be bored. I think it’s the same thing with a Mr. Right.  This journey or adventure how we call it is needed to find and balance out what you think the definition of Mr. Right is. It’s Rights and wrongs you go though on this journey/adventure. One example that might define a Mr. Right are his looks, his weight, how tall he is, and so on and so forth. Some women only go for that and I think maybe that’s where egos kick in